Saturday, 17 August 2013

how to defeat barbarian tower

Barbarian towers are the Everwinter Glacier equivelent of Robber Baron Castles. They all start at level 20. If you have 
GGE Barbarian Tower
A Barbarian Tower.
the espionage of a Barbarian Tower of a certain level



Level 20Edit

The Defending Troops in the castle are:
Left Flank ToolsFront ToolsRight Flank Tools
Left Flank TroopsFront TroopsRight Flank Troops
7 Norseman with Axe10 Norseman with Axe6 Norseman with Axe
Max loots? , ?g
Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank ToolsFront ToolsRight Flank Tools
Left Flank TroopsFront TroopsRight Flank Troops
Troops lost4hc

Level 21Edit

The Defending Troops in the castle are:

Left Flank ToolsFront ToolsRight Flank Tools
1 Stone Throwing???2 Stone throwing
Left Flank TroopsFront TroopsRight Flank Troops
31 AC37 AC18 AC
71 AC
Max loots? , ?g
Your Attack formation to defeat this castle:

Left Flank toolsFront toolsRight Flank tools
Left Flank troopsFront troopsRight Flank troops
troops lost~3ths

leval 22Edit

The Defending Troops in the castle are:

Left flank toolsFront ToolsRight Flank Tools
2 Flaming arrows??3 Flaming arrows
Left Flank troopsFront troopsRight Flank troops
9 norseman with bow8 norseman with bow9 norseman with bow
Max loots?,?g

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