Saturday 17 August 2013

attacking tips

You better have good reason for attacking castles. Don't attack for nothing. And, attacking just because of "he assaulted first" is not a good excuse, and may cause serious headaches after.

       1. Plunder : At levels below 20, attacking for plunder (including gold) is a good reason. This will help you upgrade your castle quickly. But after level 20, the gainings start not be worthy to attack because you already start to produce more wood, stone, food and gold.  
       2. Tournaments : Another good reason is the tournaments. In personal tournaments, ending up in the first 100 is not so hard. I already have been two times (at levels 25 and 28 I guess) and the benefits are great. Even if you don't reach 100th, there is still the chance that you get the attendence rewards. 

       3. Dark One(?) : The dark one's offer is tempting, too. She suggest 1000 gold and 100 rubies per attack to the castles she addresses for a period of time. The more you attack in that time, more you gain gold and rubies. Don't miss this chance and attack as many castles as you can. And there is the chance to chance the addressed castle for 30(?) rubies.

       4. Honor and glory :

       5. Convincing : 

       6. Combination  :   

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